Keep up with changing human behaviour when building web solutions
You want a new Intranet, You now need to design a solution, the area you consider most important when designing a solution will probably be the following … A strong Home Page with dynamic content for everyone in the organisation A detailed sitemap so users can easily navigate to the content they are looking for It makes sense, an entry point that is dynamic with content and contains a navigational menu that allows you to access additional information seem like the makings of a good intranet site. Right? Well, the answer to that question would be yes, if you were building an Intranet 3 years ago. End user behavior has changed so much since then, that their expectations and interaction with the Intranet is now very different, meaning that your approach when designing a solution needs to adjust to match their new expectations. You don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. But the signs are there, and we need to stop using that 10 year old approach when desig...