SharePoint 2010 and Content Migration Presentation
If you managed to catch my SharePoint 2010 and Content Migration presentation for SharePoint Saturday, thank you for attending - as promised, my slides are attached.
If you didn't attend my presentation, which is very possible sine the majority of my audience is from the States, India and Jhb. I tried to make the presentation as clear and detailed as possible. I also reduced all the unnecessary images I used to give the presentation more live so the downloads are much smaller. Enjoy.
If you didn't attend my presentation, which is very possible sine the majority of my audience is from the States, India and Jhb. I tried to make the presentation as clear and detailed as possible. I also reduced all the unnecessary images I used to give the presentation more live so the downloads are much smaller. Enjoy.
Good stuff, please keep do sharing more information about sharePoint Migration.
Sharepoint Migration | Sharepoint Upgrade